ESAU—The Lizard People

ESAU—The Lizard People & GREEN MILE(s)? 🤢
It appears we have had ESAU RULE over us ALL
for some time Now — that it seems “natural” (?)

ESAU people were the FIRST to appoint a KING over their Nation of Edomites.✅They have done so, in order to rule over ESAU’s progeny, as well as ruling over the TWIN Brother Jacob’s progeny; EVEN as they grew into the Jewish Nation of ISRAEL, as prophesied in Genesis 25.

King Herod (an Edomite/half-Jew) was Pagan ROME’s puppet King ✳️

It figures, that when the Jewish Nation was destroyed, the Edomites had to work out another plan & move even further “WEST” (than they had before) settling into the British “ISLES,” and surrounding areas, as you piece together Obadiah & Ezekiel 17. (SEE BELOW & compare).🦠

Looking at a map, we see the British Isles are even further WEST. It’s not a stretch to see Esau’s people moving into those areas, especially when the Jewish Nation was DESTROYED, decimated and scattered.

OK. Well, as you know, the British have always portrayed themselves to be more superior to other peoples and Nations of the world. And look — they truly have been endowed by GOD with Special Talents, as you trace the Edomites — Esau’s Line back to Genesis 25 and on. As you know English is held in high esteem and of those who speak it well, in that native British land, are held in high regard, appearing regal and knowledgeable.

(NOTE: English is a conglomerate of many languages, which I believe is somehow relevant to what happened in Genesis 11)

The Royal Elite’s ability to rule over others was monumental. Not that long ago, it was said, “the sun never sets on the British Empire.” The U5A has taken that dominance away…to the Royal Elite’s chagrin! ❎

Esau was the GIFTED & DOMINANT Firstborn.
Firstborn sons generally will have the BEST of their parents DNA and are more Dominant. They also are given the choicest of their father’s inheritance — unless something really tragic happens. Esau though, cheated himself out of that. It all started when he let his APPETITE have rule over his GOD-GIVEN ENDOWMENTS! (Read Genesis 25-27).

This was Adam’s downfall, and many today FAIL in that area of APPETITE. Jesus conquered that by fasting 40 days and nights in the wilderness. It would be best for us to make appetite our slave, rather than appetite as our lord and master ☠️

Marion Cheek
✅Esau’s people were first to have a king:
Genesis 36:31 & 15; 1 Chronicles 1:43 & 34 —

“And these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, BEFORE there reigned any king over the children of Israel.” (vs.31)

✳️”Around 72 B.C. Antipater I of Idumea, an Edomite whose ancestors converted to Judaism, produces a son named Herod. It is this son, later known as Herod the Great, who would ultimately begin a ruling dynasty that would last more than 125 years.”

🦠 “The Edomites who would come to populate Idumea first lived in an area southeast, south and SOUTHWEST of the Dead Sea with their capital being Bozrah. Sometime after Jerusalem’s destruction in 586 B.C., however, the land they occupied was DESTROYED in fulfillment of prophecy (Malachi 1:1 – 4). Seeking refuge, the Edomites migrated WEST and settled in former Judean territory roughly in and around the city of Hebron. The area they controlled was eventually referred to as Idumea, a part of which was incorporated into the ROMAN province of Judea in 6 A.D.”

❎The saying “The sun never sets on the British Empire” means that the British Empire was once so expansive that there was always some part of it that was sunny. Though the same thing had been said of many previous empires, it was perhaps most true for the British Empire. At its greatest extent, this empire had extensive holdings in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.”

☠️ write me if you are not familiar with the story of these TWINS, so I can send you the textual proof of ESAU’s wish for DOMINANCE over his Twin Brother Jacob and ULTIMATELY, WORLD DOMINATION.

ESAU—The Lizard People & Green Mile(s)?

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